
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Google Giving Android "Pins" For Free at MMC

This may sound childish... but if you're one of those individuals who just don't care much about what others might think if you do this or that... then when you're at the mobile world congress at Barcelona have a look at the some of the android phone manufactures such as LG for instance since they've started to give away pins with android logo on it!.

Looking good homie!...

According to seattletimes news the LG team actually had to display a banner which says "no pins" since they ran out of 'em. They have several versions actually (designs) such as android gives away the default robot green logo on a metal while the manufactures give away by embedding their "logos" on to it.

So whenever you're sneaking ;-) out for those showrooms... make sure to ask for an android "fever" pin.

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